Special Urgency


Pursuant to the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012


Notice of Item(s) not in the Forward Plan


In accordance with the Constitution of Brighton & Hove City Council, please note that notice has been received of an item requiring decision which it has not been possible to give the required 28 clear days’ notice or (five clear days’ notice between informing the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny and the decision). 



Date decision to be taken

Title and brief summary of decision



Details of any exemption and reasons for urgency




Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee agreement obtained

Details of any consultation


List of documents to be submitted to the Decision Maker

Lead Officer





Madeira Terrace Procurement Update


This report seeks agreement to progress the first phase of the restoration of Madeira Terrace and agree additional budget.







Following detailed negotiations, the price can only be held for a limited time, so a decision on next steps is needed urgently before further build cost inflation impacts the price.


Cabinet Member for Finance and City Regeneration



1 August 2024


Report, other documents may be submitted

Donna Chisholm, Ian Graham, Abigail Hone Tel: 01273 292163, Katharine Pearce Tel: 01273 292553, Sam Smith Tel: 01273 291383, Max Woodford Tel: 01273 291666







Madeira Terrace Procurement Update - Exempt Category 3


This report seeks agreement to progress the first phase of the restoration of Madeira Terrace and agree additional budget.



Fully exempt


Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


Following detailed negotiations, the price can only be held for a limited time, so a decision on next steps is needed urgently before further build cost inflation impacts the price.


Cabinet Member for Finance and City Regeneration



1 August 2024

Report, other documents may be submitted

Donna Chisholm, Ian Graham, Abigail Hone Tel: 01273 292163, Katharine Pearce Tel: 01273 292553, Sam Smith Tel: 01273 291383, Max Woodford Tel: 01273 291666

